Aju's story is clearly one of tragedy.
The Story of Aju[]
In 2005, Aju was a popular kid at school. He had almost all the friends and the girls. Virtually nothing could stop him. He dominated almost everything in both the real and internet worlds. If you did not know Aju, you were messed up.
Act 1: The Beginning[]
Aju was following a path of greatness. If his life continued the way it was going, he would have it all. But unfortunatly, that was when school ended.
Now, school ending wasn't too much of a problem. Aju had many friends online, and could cement his many friendships without actually seeing them. When it came vacation time, however, Aju would be isolated. That is when the most damage happened.
Act 2: Addiction[]
On vacation, Aju brought his laptop. At first, he thought it would be a great idea. Little did he know it would be a burden in the years to come.
Aju could get internet on the laptop, but not AIM. So, Aju spent his time looking at his favorite websites. One of these websites was gprime.net.
While looking at gprime.net one day, Aju came across N. He immediatly became hooked, and played it for the remainder of his vacation. When he got back, his addiction continued. He forgot about everything other than N. He forgot about AIM, and lost his friends from the lack of communication.
Act 3: Remorse[]
At first, Aju was oblivious. Coming into 7th grade, he never saw any of his old friends, and honestly didn't care. For months Aju played N, and never spoke to his old friends. They were practically non-existent.
Nearing the end of 7th grade, however, Aju realized how much he missed his friends, and how badly he needed them. Aju had fallen in love with a girl, and if he still had his old friends, he could get her. In 6th grade, Aju even saw her daily; only with his friends, though.
Act 4: Defeat[]
The addiction to N made him forget about his friends, so he stopped talking to the girl. Aju realized how much he could have had if he had his old friends. Now, he stands alone, stripped of everything except N. All his desires have been lost to N.
Aju now makes maps, and is an active member of the N IRC channel. He looks 10 years old, despite being 13.
Aju has also posted a picture featuring himself and his sister in the Post a Picture thread at the Metanet Forums. blue tetris has recently mentioned on N IRC that he harbors strong sexual desire for Aju's sister. Aju actually laughs at the whole situation. Lately, more people have been describing that they are sexually attracted to her.