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« 96
n-key kong
the long and winding road that leads to your death

the long and winding road that leads to your death

Episode 97
Creator Metanet Software
N version 1.4+
Fastest Time
Fastest Player
Demo 97-0/Demo


Method 1 (Easy)

As soon as you start, wait for a little bit to let the drone pass. Then follow the guide below.


NOTE: This is intended to be a guide, it shows you the approximate location of where you should land, jump etc. Sometimes you need to do something different, because most of the time a drone will be blocking the way I had shown.--Bottletopman 10:08, January 3, 2010 (UTC)

Method 2 (Highscore)

Follow the guide before, but this time, if you going for the gold and a drone happens to pass by, jump into that little nook then walljump up and collect the rest of the gold, then follow the latter part of the guide.
