johnny_faneca (as of 10 Jan. 2013)
Ranking Spot Score
0th Rankings
Top-20 Rankings
Lvl 0th Rankings
Ep 0th Rankings
Total Lvl Score
Total Points
1 0th
296 Scores
1 0th
0 0ths
2891 Points
Personal Bests
• 159 0ths (09 December 2005)
Other Achievements
3rd highscorer to reach 100 0ths
4th ever Grandmaster
1st highscorer to reach 70000 Level Score
• Reached 400 Top-20 Scores
The correct title of this article is johnny_faneca. The initial letter is shown capitalized due to technical restrictions.

johnny_faneca, or j_f, is an inactive Portuguese highscorer and former grandmaster. In addition to holding the most 0ths for a considerable amount of time, he was awarded a Dronie for Player of the Year for his performance over the course of 2006. As of 10 January 2012, johnny_faneca only has 1 0th: 59-0 (tied). He also still has 296 top-20 Scores, ranked 13th.

johnny_faneca's speciality lied in his exceptional level of skill rather than the ability to innovate current runs. His usual method of taking over highscores was to copy the current 0th and simply make it better. His skill level allowed him to succeed most of the time.

On 13 March 2007, he became the first player ever to reach 70000 seconds of Total Level Score.

At one point, johnny changed his name in the N highscores to Vers la Flamme, but after pressure from other highscorers, he stopped using the alias, although some runs he submitted using "Vers la Flamme" still appear on the highscore charts.

Furthermore, he's very well known for his vast number of accusations of cheating against various players. It's true that he was right with most cheaters, but that's not hard when you're accusing mostly new highscorers during his time. He correctly accused cheaters such as kryX-orange, naem and crappitrash, but he also accused many legit members (whose legitimacy has been proven with methods such as NReality), including the 2 following grandmasters, Mr_Lim and xaelar, and some other players such as Pheidippides.

Ironically, Johnny himself had a cheated run that was accidentally submitted on 89-0; however, it was just a one-off run that was intended to test the cheating software rather than actually be submitted. At the time, Johnny acknowledged the accidental submission and requested that it not be counted in the rankings despite not being a 0th.

He was ranked 2nd on ska's list of most influential N players of all time.
