Melchoir79 is an inactive N highscorer from the golden age of highscoring who specialized in innovations. He was self-proclaimed as the "Prophet of the unlikely corner jump"[1] . He was known for his route changes on 31-2, 81-0, 61-2, 51-3 and 59-3, which are some of his most notable creations. He was ranked 18th in ska's list of most influential N players of all time. As late as March 2006, Melchoir79 still had 13 0ths.

Highscore Statistics for Melchoir79 as of May 2020:

Number of 0th: 1 (tied 59-0) (ranked #14)

Number of top-20 highscores: 13 (ranked #73)

List of top-20 scores for Melchoir79:

00-4 - 13th - 102.075

06-2 - 16th - 194.775

11-0 -  5th - 150.600

31-2 -  5th - 116.375

51-3 -  9th - 100.225

51   - 18th - 215.275

59-0 -  3rd -  84.700

59-3 - 13th -  98.375

61-2 - 14th - 174.425

75-0 - 16th - 165.250

81-4 - 17th - 127.475

82-0 - 10th - 138.450

89-3 - 15th -  87.900

Total: 13 top-20 scores