
The Metanet Software Forums are the home of the Metanet Software community and are a great place to ask questions regarding N or any other part of Metanet Software (such as NUMA). There are also numerous sections for discussing off-topic paraphernalia ranging from other games to image creation, homework help and even philosophy and religion. The forums were founded by Keron Cyst under the supervision of Mare Sheppard and Raigan BurnsMetanet Software's founders.

The forums were originally hosted by Forumer from April 2004 to September 2008. The old forums were still available as an archive but posting was disabled. The forums were then hosted on The Real N until the domain name was bought out. They were then hosted for an even shorter time on LittleViking's easter viking domain until SlappyMcGee registered the name of ninjarobotyeti. In late 2012, both the original archived forumer hosted forums, and the ninjarobotyeti went down, with the former seemingly a permanent loss. As of 2 January 2013, the forums are currently locatated at http://forum.droni.es/.

The forums are where all the N fanatics from around the world meet to talk about N, Metanet Software, or other subjects, share suggestions, muse over highscores, and treat each other with custom levels. If you respect the rules/people, you're more than welcome to become part of the community.

Over the years the forums have developed into a whole society of people. It isn't entirely focused around N anymore, but is now the host to a wide variety of discussion and talent, such as art, music, and debate. There is definitely a niche for most anyone who wishes to be a part of the community and there is a whole network of people who are kind enough to help you find it.

External Links

  • The new Metanet Forums
  • The NinjaRobotYeti Forums (ported from The Real N)
  • The old Metanet Forums (previously archived, now permantly down)

NinjaRobotYeti extras
